A Jupyter Notebooks ContentsManager
that uses PyFilesystem for storing files.
Includes a compatible Checkpoints
pip install jupyter-pyfilesystem
c.NotebookApp.contents_manager_class = 'jupyter_pyfilesystem.FsContentsManager'
# In-memory temporary filesystem
c.FsContentsManager.fs_url = 'mem://'
See https://docs.pyfilesystem.org/en/latest/openers.html for information on how to define fs_url
, and https://docs.pyfilesystem.org/en/latest/builtin.html for a list of built-in filesystems.
There are also several externally-contributed filesystems that can be used.
Some are listed on https://www.pyfilesystem.org/page/index-of-filesystems/
Note some filesystems may not behave as you expect.
For example, the curent implementations of the zip://
and tar://
filesystems do not allow you to update an existing file.
You can only create/overwrite an existing file, or open a file read-only.
For example:
c.FsContentsManager.fs_url = 'zip:///tmp/test.zip'
import os
if os.path.exists(fs_url[6:]):
c.FsContentsManager.create = False
c.FsContentsManager.writeable = False
If you are using a remote filesystem you may want to enable the keepalive
For example, this will make a remote request to get the details of /
every 60 seconds:
c.FsContentsManager.keepalive = 60
This repository is based on https://github.com/quantopian/pgcontents/tree/5fad3f6840d82e6acde97f8e3abe835765fa824b