Author: Sergey Kosarev
Summary: Lift emulation
Lift emualtion:)
All you need to build this project is Java 8.0 (Java SDK 1.8) or later and Maven 3.x.
Type this command to build the archive:
mvn clean package
Type this command to run the application:
java -jar target/lift-emulation.jar [arguments]
The following numbers delimited by space(s)
- integer - count of the floors in the building (min:5, max: 20, default: 20)
- floorHeight - double - height of the each floor in meters (default: 3)
- speed - double - speed of the lift in meters per second (defult: 1)
- doorsTime double - time in seconds between openeing and closing doors (default: 5)
java -jar target/lift-emulation.jar 10 2.5
in this example 3rd and 4rd arguments will have default values.
You can type following commands in the application console
- i<FLOORNUMBER> - push button to the specified floor inside the lift, i.e i5
- d<FLOORNUMBER> - push down button on the specified floor outside the lift, i.e o19
- u<FLOORNUMBER> - push up button on the specified floor outside the lift, i.e o19
- q - exit