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This is a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA, helps you with JAVA International development.
- All words generate by methods rather than using Map and String.format;
- Parameter supported, type limit supported,No order restriction for parameters;
- Automatically select delegate class by HttpServletRequest.
- Generate lang sample file for your module: Tools → RESTLite i18n → Generate Lang File
- Add/Modify your lang files, All Syntax of lang-file are all in the sample file.
- Generate java class from lang file: Tools → RESTLite i18n → Generate Java Class
- Regenerate java class will overwrite the olds. If you delete the lang file, please delete the class by yourself.
- Fix bug.
- Support kotlin.
- Support javax-Servlet and jakarta-Servlet.
- The generated lang files is saved in the selected java package.
- Add icon for menu and lang file.
- Syntax highlighter for lang files.
- Less escape character, only: ##{, \n and \r.
- Less escape character: typing #{ with ##{ instead;
no need to add escape character for " nor \ unless \b, \t, \n, \f, \r, \ appear.
- Compile lang file to class.(PS: IDEA doc not complete yet)
Syntax highlighter.(done)
Welcome to commit bug / new feature. Wish it work for you.