This is the homepage of a new book entitled "Mathematical Foundations of Reinforcement Learning."
Jeff Geerling's SBC review data - Raspberry Pi, Radxa, Orange Pi, etc.
A Robust and Efficient Trajectory Planner for Quadrotors
Zotero plugin to automatically move attachments and link them
Zhejiang University Graduation Thesis LaTeX Template
An implementation via Matlab of the active set method of solving quadratic programs. Implementation is based on notes from UNC's STOR 614 course on linear programming.
A dual active-set algorithm for convex quadratic programming
A C++ library for Quadratic Programming which implements the Goldfarb-Idnani active-set dual method.
Open-source C++ implementation of the recently proposed online active set strategy
MSF - Modular framework for multi sensor fusion based on an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF)
uzh-rpg / ethzasl_msf
Forked from ethz-asl/ethzasl_msfMSF - Modular framework for multi sensor fusion based on an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF)
Lightweight C/C++ Extended Kalman Filter with Python for prototyping
Header-only C++11 Kalman Filtering Library (EKF, UKF) based on Eigen3
Open source robotics simulator. The latest version of Gazebo.
A Windows/macOS/Linux GUI based on Clash
This document provides tutorials/guides/manuals of setups and experiments in the RISC Lab. This is mainly intended for the Robotics, Intelligent Systems and Control Lab users, at KAUST.
Quadrotor control framework developed by the Robotics and Perception Group
Ros2 vendor for the Acados NMPC solver.
Model Predictive Controller for a quadcopter model using Acados nlp optimization
MPC implementation for quadrotors using acados