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The Ranobe-Honyaku website source code.



  • Python 3
  • PostgreSQL

Clone and set up virtualenv

This setup is for an ubuntu server running Xenial 16.04. Any other setup may vary.

git clone https://github.com/Ranobe-Honyaku/Website.git

cd Website

python3 -m pip install virtualenv

python3 -m virtualenv env

source venv/bin/activate

pip install -r requirements.txt

cp setup_example.json config.json

To be able to use our database, we'll actually need to install it.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib

Now we've done this we need to create a new role.

sudo -u postgres createuser --interactive

That should guide you through the process of creating your user. When it asks you for the name make sure to use the one of your superuser account, this is because postgres will allow you to sign in as the postgres role on that account.

Now that we've created our user we're at the problem that we have no database to use. So let's create one.

sudo -u postgres createdb database_name

I'd recommend setting your database name as the same name as the user you just made, which should have the same name as your linux account.

At this point, open config.json. You will probably need to change SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI to the path of your local database, provide login credentials, etc. Try this string format:


Host is going to be your ip or the server you're setting it up on, and the port by default is going to be 5432

Run migrations on the database

python3 manage.py db upgrade

This applies migrations in the migrations/ directory to your local database. Typically you will need to perform this whenever the schema in your database does not match the schema defined in models/.

To make migrations, you can run manage.py db migrate, but you won't need to do this right after git pull/fetch. You will need to make migrations when you change the model yourself though. Please remember to comment the migrations in /migrations/versions/.

Load database and set the tables up

You will only need to do this if this is your first time setting up the database (or if you dropped/deleted the database previously).

python3 manage.py setup

Follow the on-screen instructions. The current roles available are admin and staff

Run the actual server

python3 manage.py runserver

Note that this set of instructions is for a development configuration only.