This project is a simple implementation of the classic Snake Game using the C programming language. It provides the user with the option to customize the game's settings, such as the size of the game board, length and color of the snake, and color of the fruit and game board.
This project uses the following dependencies:
- stdio.h
- conio.h
- stdlib.h
- time.h
- TUI.h
- Snake.h
To install this project, simply clone the repository to your local machine.
git clone
To run the game, navigate to the project directory and compile the Snake_Game_Final.c file using a C compiler.
gcc Snake_Game_Final.c -o Snake_Game_Final
Then, run the executable Snake_Game_Final.
If the user chooses to play the game, the game will start with the current settings. The objective is to navigate the snake and eat as many fruits as possible without colliding with the borders of the game board or the snake's own body. The user can control the direction of the snake using the arrow keys.
Once the game is over, the user will be prompted to play again or exit the game.
If the user chooses to change the game settings, they will be presented with a menu that includes the following options:
- Snake Length
- Grid Size
- Snake Color
- Fruit Color
- Border Color
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.