Core Java
- Project name is CCSystem.
- Open project in your IDE and be sure to change the database parameters.
- oo In database package go to file and change database name as well as username and password if needed.
- Clean and Build project
- Run file
RDBMS/mySQL Description :
- To create tables and insert data for this project, run following sql file: /MappingDocuments/CASESTUDY.sql
- This file will create database for you named CASESTUDY
Hadoop/hdfs/dataware housing
- In HDFS we are using maria_dev user. Therefore data transferred from relational database with Sqoop is stored in /user/maria_dev/Credit_Card_System
Hive and Partition
- Hive imports consist of four tables (Branch, Credit Card, Time and Customer). Each table is external table that loads data files imported by sqoop.
- CreateBranchTable.sql
- oo This file creates Branch table called CDW_SAPP_D_BRANCH
- oo Loads data from /user/maria_dev/Credit_Card_System/Branch
- CreateCreditCardTable.sql
- oo This is where dynamic partitioning is done.
- oo Partitioning is done on TRANSACTION_TYPE field.
- oo There are two tables created. CDW_SAPP_F_CREDIT_CARD and TEMP_CDW_SAPP_F_CREDIT_CARD in order to insert partitioned data from TEMP table to original one.
- oo Loads partitioned data from /user/maria_dev/Credit_Card_System/PartitionedCreditCard
- CreateCustomerTable.sql
- oo This file creates Branch table called CDW_SAPP_D_CUSTOMER
- oo Loads data from /user/maria_dev/Credit_Card_System/Customer
- CreateTimeTable.sql
- oo This file creates Branch table called CDW_SAPP_D_TIME
- oo Loads data from /user/maria_dev/Credit_Card_System/TimeID
- IncrementalCreateCreditCard.sql
- oo This file insert new data in incremental way.
- oo It is used in oozie with coordinators for incremental update.
Oozie (Sqoop and Hive)
Before running any sqoop jobs it is important to run sqoop metastore.
In /SqoopImport directory there is file called which is shell script that will create all Sqoop jobs.
Transfer file to your local path
Run following command as root user: sudo chmod 777 /user/maria_dev/
Run it: ./
- Type: hadoop fs --put OozieWorkflow/ /user/maria_dev/
- Type: hadoop fs --put HiveImports/ /user/maria_dev/
--Upload java-json.jar file:
- oo There will be file java-json.jar
- oo Use Ambari to upload that file to /user/oozie/share/lib/ lib_******* /sqoop/
- oo Change lib_******* to your directory name
--Before running Oozie import mysql database required for this project. File to insert is in /MappingDocuments/CASESTUDY.sql
Run this command to start Oozie to create Hive tables and import data from relational database:
- oo oozie job --oozie http://localhost:11000/oozie -config /home/maria_dev/OozieWorkflow/Initialize/ -run
Oozie (Sqoop and Hive optimized)
- After Initialized Oozie workflow, we can run Incremental Oozie workflow for incremental update
- We are running same sqoop jobs and one additional hive query for updating data with dynamic partitioning.
- To run optimized oozie run:
- oo oozie job --oozie http://localhost:11000/oozie -config /home/maria_dev/OozieWorkflow/Incremental/ -run
- In /HiveVisualization directory there are two file firstQuery.q and secondQuery.q