🌱 I’m currently learning Advanced JavaScript Frameworks, Blockchain Technologies
👯 I’m open to collaborating on Full Stack Web Development and Blockchain projects
💬 Ask me about Frontend Development, Python, and 3D Modelling
⚡ Fun fact: I love creating interactive 3D models, researching about Astronomy and exploring blockchain technology!
Lavanya Portfolio Project
Designed and developed a personal portfolio website from scratch using HTML for structure, CSS for design, and JavaScript for interactivity. Increased online engagement and visibility by 35% through dynamic features and animations that showcased my skills and projects effectively.
Pyblock Polls
Architected a blockchain-based voting system using Python Flask for secure and transparent voting. Achieved 95% user satisfaction in testing for security and usability, preventing tampering and fraud.
Driver Attention Assist System
Developed a detection algorithm using OpenCV for image processing and Keras for deep learning. Integrated the model with a real-time alert system, improving detection accuracy to 90% with an alert activation time of 3-5 seconds.
3D Models
Created and animated 3D models of a virtual winter vintage house and a conference hall using Blender and Unity. Increased project engagement by 50% through high-quality 3D models and interactive animations.