This library parses an A2L file according the 1.6.1 standards and provides a Java Object structure with all the data.
It also provides an easy to use command line interface which can be used to remote control the parser by other tools and languages. Samples including the code generation for the data structure are available for:
- C#
- Typescript
- Python
- parse A2L to Java object structure
- JAR standalone
- A2L to JSON
- JSON to A2L
Asap2Parser parser = new Asap2Parser("freeTest.a2l");
// optional
parser.setEventHandler((line, position, message) -> { System.err.println("Line " + line + "@" + position + ": " + message); });
Asap2File a2l = parser.parse();
System.out.println("Project: " + a2l.getProject().getName());
Asap2Parser parser = new Asap2Parser("freeTest.a2l");
// optional
parser.setEventHandler((line, position, message) -> { System.err.println("Line " + line + "@" + position + ": " + message); });
Asap2File a2l = parser.parse();
try (FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream("changed_freeTest.a2l")) {
A2LWriter writer = new A2LWriter(os, StandardCharsets.UTF_16LE);
Asap2Parser parser = new Asap2Parser("freeTest.a2l");
Asap2File a2l = parser.parse();
Asap2File fromJson = Asap2File.fromJson(TEST_FILE_A_JSON);
// or directly from file
//Asap2File fromJson = Asap2File.fromJsonFile("sample_a2l.json");
System.out.println("Project: " + fromJson.getProject().getName());
In this chapter A2LParser.jar references the JAR with dependencies.
java -jar A2LParser.jar --help
usage: A2LParser [-a2l <arg>] [-c <arg>] [-h] [-ij] [-j <arg>] [-jsc]
[-mj] [-o <arg>]
-a2l,--asap2 <arg> Either specify an A2L file or pipe A2L content to
convert it to JSON
-c,--encoding <arg> Specify the encoding for the output file. e.g.
US-ASCII, ISO-8859-1, UTF-8, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE,
UTF-32LE, UTF-32BE, UTF-16
-h,--help Prints this help
-ij,--indentJson Outputs the JSON with indentation
-j,--json <arg> Either specify a JSON file or pipe JSON content to
convert it to A2L
-jsc,--jsonSchema Outputs the JSON schema for JSON outputs
-mj,--minJson Outputs the JSON without null fields
-o,--output <arg> Write result to file instead of std out
It is possible to either give the parser a file path or stream the content to it through standard input while omitting the file path.
java -jar A2LParser.jar --asap2 src/test/resources/freeTest.a2l
/* [...] */
It is possible to either give the parser a file path or stream the content to it through standard input while omitting the file path.
java -jar A2LParser.jar --json src/test/resources/freeTest.json
/begin PROJECT Free_Example "MIT licensed example file"
/begin HEADER "Free Asap2 example file"
VERSION "V1.7.1"
java -jar A2LParser.jar --jsonSchema
"project":{ /* [...] */ }
This is a rough roadmap for the upcoming things I have in mind. Please create an issue if you like to see a feature being worked on.
- Deploy to
- API documentation
- Add more detailed tests for JSON API
- Add a validation API
- check of unique identifiers
- valid identifier references
- valid lower vs upper limit
- ...
- FORMULA Parser
- fix integer types: ASAM defines int as 2-byte integer and long is a 4-byte integer
- may speed up the parser
- use short where int is specified
- use int where uint is specified
- use int where long is specified
- use long where ulong is specified
- does not provide objects for typedef's and instance (I need access to the most recent specification to implement that)