Hello, my name is Mycael, I'm 20 years old and currently studying computer engineering. I started programming when I was 12 years old and have been doing it ever since.
Some of the technologies and skills I have and use:
- Programming languages [Javascript\Typescript | Python | C#]
- Package managers [NPM | Yarn | Pip]
- UI & UX [Figma]
- Database modeling [dbdiagram.io]
- Containers [Docker]
- Unit tests and documentation [Storybook, Jest, Vitest]
- End-to-end tests [Cypress]
- Programming languages [Javascript\Typescript]
- Frameworks [React | Next | Vue | Nuxt | Svelte | Solid | Angular]
- UI-Kit [Vuetify | Bulma | Chakra UI | Evergreen UI]
- CSS3 [SASS | SCSS | BEM | CSS-in-JS | Styled-Components | Emotion | Stitches | TailwindCSS]
- Best practices [Web Semantics | Wireframes | Accessibility | SEO]
- Programming languages [Javascript\Typescript | C#]
- Frameworks [Express | Nest | Adonis]
- BaaS Back-end-as-Service [FireBase | SupaBase | PocketBase]
- Databases [PostgresSQL | MongoDB | MySQL | SQLite]
- Systems architecture analysis and documentation [Project Management | Requirements Analysis]
Agile IT Management [Projects | Teams]
- Agile methodologies [Agile | Scrum]
- Management tools [Asana | Trello]
- Cloud Computing [Vercel | Netfly | Heroku | AWS]
- CI/CD Orchestration [Heroku | Github Actions | AWS CodePipeline\CodeBuild]
- VCS Version Control Systems [Git]
- Infrastructure as code [Terraform]