Provider for creating fake scenarios
A growing collection of useful Providers for fzaninotto/faker mostly ported to PHP from the stympy/faker Ruby library.
composer require xylis/faker-besson-scenario-provider
Below is the list of bundled formatters in the default locale.
$faker = \Faker\Factory::create();
$faker->addProvider(new \Xylis\FakerCinema\Provider\BessonScenario($faker));
$faker->scenario; // Un Dauphin tueur à gages fait une poursuite en Taxi avec des roumains
$faker->basicScenario; // Nikita pète la gueule à des chinois déguisés en Père Noel en banlieue
$faker->scenarios(2); // array
$faker->basicScenarios(2); // array
All contributions are welcome. Before opening PRs, make sure that all tests are passing, and that code coverage is satisfactory: