pool is a Scala port of Bryan O'Sullivan's excellent Haskell resource-pooling library bos/pool.
pool makes extensive use of the facilities provided by the Monix library.
implicit val scheduler = Scheduler.io(
name = "pool-test",
reporter = UncaughtExceptionReporter(
logger.error(s"pool-test: Uncaught exception in IO scheduler", _)))
// Run a `Pool[Unit] => Task[Unit]`
val usePool = Pool.withPool[Unit, Unit](
name = "test",
create = Task.eval(logger.info("Creating entry")),
destroy = a => Task.eval(logger.info(s"Destroying entry $a")),
minIdle = 5,
maxEntries = 10,
idleTimeout = 60.seconds,
creatorDelay = 1.second,
creatorInterval = 1.second,
reaperDelay = 1.second,
reaperInterval = 1.second
) { pool =>
pool.withResource(a => Task.fork(Task.eval(Thread.sleep(5000))))
Await.result(usePool.runAsync, Duration.Inf)