I am Brandon
I am currently studying computer science
I have been participating in Hackathons recently and really enjoying them I will update this later to show the competitions I have completed and the 2 future ones that I have scheduled.
I am in the process of reorganizing my life and building up my skillset I am currently taking CS1B (C++), CS3A (Machine Language and Computer Organization), CIMS150 (CyberSecurity), CIMN150 (Adv. Linux), ES1 (New Ethnic Studies transfer req.) at Saddleback in Mission Viejo, CA. I will be transfering to finish the degree within a year.
I am a member of the Saddleback CyberOperations Club and we are always looking for members if you are interested in computer science, programming, cyber security or anything in between and are interested feel free to reach out to me:
you can contact me at bnorman8@saddleback.edu or discord chanabra#2483