vote counter AKA DBL
_ashish (175010396384657408)
Visit and create a Github Account.
Visit here and click the star button
In The Discord application go to Settings > Appearance > Turn on Developer Mode
Don't worry, it's super simple.
To create the application, head to Log in, and you'll reach a page that may look like this:
Click on Create an application. This brings you to the following page, in which you should simply enter a name for the application. After clicking Create, you can also add an avatar. Click Save Changes afterwards.
After creating the application, we need to create the Bot User. Go to the Bot
section on the left, then click on Add Bot, then Yes, Do it.
There's a few things you can change here.
- Username: Change your bot's username on Discord
- Icon: Change the bot's avatar
- Public bot: Toggles the ability for other users to add your bot to their server.
- Require Oauth2 Code Grant: Don't check this. Just, don't.
Go back to the Bot page and copy the token. Save it somewhere, you will need that later.
To generate the invite link, click on Oauth2 in the app page, and scroll down to Scopes. Check the Bot scope to generate a link. You can also add additional permissions for the bot.
Copy the link and open it, select your server and click on Authorize. Cheers, it has been added to your server.
The bot will be hosted on , so you need to create a account first:
Click on New Project > Import from GitHub > Copy this url
Then past on it > Press ok
Add your Discord BOT TOKEN to the .env file in the ' BOT_TOKEN=bottokenhere '
Add your DBL API key to the .env file in the ' TOPGG_TOKEN=top.ggtokenhere '
Add your Authorization password to the .env file as ' TOPGG_AUTH=passwrodhere '
Add your Discord Channel Id to the .env file as ' CHANNEL_ID=channelidhere '
Add your TOP.GG Vote Link to the .env file as ' VOTE_LINK=votelinkhere '
Add your EMBED COLOR to the .env file as ' EMBED_COLOR=embedcolorhere '
Add your BANNER LINK to the .env file as ' BANNER_LINK=bannerlinkhere '
Go to "" scroll down to "Webhook" the put the URL to "" and set the "Authorization" to what you put in the .env file!
After all of that.. press "Save" on and then press "Test" and it should work!