This Layout made with Next.js, Mantine UI(with Tabler Icons and other depencies), TypeScript, Clerk Auth, Context Api, Spline, Framer motion, Clsx and Postcss with Plugins.
Config Npm, Eslint, Prettier, Stylelint, Husky with Lint-staged, Git flow and Vercel
- 3D Spline For Home Page with Pandacss
- Multiple Theme Colors
- Switch Color Scheme
- Custom Navigation for Mobile(Framer Motion) and Laptop
- Product Items with Pagination, Search, Change Category, Placeholder and Error Components
- Single Product with Placeholder and Error Components
- Support Shopping List Item
- Many Reusable Hooks
- Custom Not Found Page
- Create User Auth with Clerk Auth, Next Auth with Supabase Auth
- Create Global State Management with Context Api and Reduxjs Toolkit with RTK Query
- Create Server State Management with React Query with Axios and Api Route
- Create Form Validation with: React Hook Form with Zod and Mantine Form
- Use Two Icon Libs: Tabler Icons and React Icons
- Multile Types for Api and Components Pros
- Many Utility Constants
- Multiple Utility Helpers
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd crypto-react
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm run dev
Format the Component
npm run format
linting the Component
npm run lint
To deploy this project run
npm run deploy
I'm Ali Bagheri. Learning about 3 years on Frontend Development Position ...