Download your fonts from the awesome Fontastic webapp.
This Gulp plugin will download your fonts from Fontastic webapp ( and copy in folder the fonts with a hash and the style in .css file or .scss file.
I have make this plugin because for my personnal developments I'm using the Fontastic CDN when I'm developing then I'm using the fonts in local for the production. So this plugin can get automatically the fonts thanks to your gulp workflow.
npm install gulp-fontastic
var fontastic = require('gulp-fontastic');
gulp.task('fontastic', function() {
key: 'your-api-key', // Your Fontastic API key (e.g.{YOU-API-KEY})
font_dir: 'public/fonts/', // (optional) The location where put the new fonts file from Fontastic
font_path: '/fonts/', // (optional) The path of your fonts referenced in the stylesheet file
style_path: 'scss/', // (optional) The path of your styles for put the new stylesheet file from Fontastic
font_name: 'my-font', // (optional) If you precise the font_name so your font file will not have a filename with a hash
file_name: '_fontastic', // (optional) Your SCSS or CSS filename without the extension
scss: true
- Elixir integration (Laravel 5) :
Thanks to Fontastic