From thorough + -ly.
thoroughly (comparative more thoroughly, superlative most thoroughly)
- In a thorough or complete manner.
He went out in the rain and came back thoroughly drenched.
The editor looked thoroughly for any mistakes in the paper.
in a thorough or complete manner
- Bulgarian: напълно (bg) (napǎlno), съвсем (bg) (sǎvsem)
- Catalan: completament (ca), exhaustivament
- Czech: důkladně (cs)
- Dutch: grondig (nl), volledig (nl), door en door (nl)
- Esperanto: komplete
- Finnish: perusteellisesti (fi), kauttaaltaan (fi), läpikotaisin (fi)
- French: absolument (fr), complètement (fr)
- German: gründlich (de), vollkommen (de), total (de), durch und durch (de)
- Hungarian: alaposan (hu), tüzetesen
- Ido: komplete (io)
- Italian: completamente (it), totalmente (it), assolutamente (it)
- Norwegian:
- Bokmål: grundig (no)
- Nynorsk: grundig
- Old English: deoplice
- Plautdietsch: dichtich
- Polish: doszczętnie (pl), gruntownie (pl)
- Portuguese: a fundo, completamente (pt)
- Russian: тща́тельно (ru) (tščátelʹno), основа́тельно (ru) (osnovátelʹno), доскона́льно (ru) (doskonálʹno), по́лностью (ru) (pólnostʹju), вполне́ (ru) (vpolné), соверше́нно (ru) (soveršénno), совсе́м (ru) (sovsém)
- Spanish: cabalmente (es), a cabalidad, a fondo, detenidamente, completamente (es)
- Ukrainian: цілкови́то (uk) (cilkovýto), пи́льно (pýlʹno), рете́льно (retélʹno), стара́нно (staránno)