From the course: Oracle HeatWave MySQL Foundations

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Practice 2-5: Stopping, starting, and restarting a MySQL DB system

Practice 2-5: Stopping, starting, and restarting a MySQL DB system

From the course: Oracle HeatWave MySQL Foundations

Practice 2-5: Stopping, starting, and restarting a MySQL DB system

(harmonious music) - [Hope] Welcome to Practice 2-5 in deploying a database system. In this practice, we'll be utilizing some basic database system management, which includes stopping, starting, and restarting on your MySQL database. Make sure that you've successfully completed the previous practices and are signed into your Oracle Cloud infrastructure console. To start, you're going to want to navigate to your MyDBS, which is your active database system from the previous practices. If you're not already on this page, navigate to it by clicking the hamburger icon in the top left corner, then navigating to databases and DB systems. From there, ensure you're in the correct compartment and then select MyDBS. These next few steps are extremely intuitive. We'll first practice stopping our database system. To stop our database system, click the stop button. This will open the stop database system dialogue box. Ensure that the shutdown type is fast, then click the stop button to initiate the…
