From the course: Oracle HeatWave MySQL Foundations

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Loading data manually

Loading data manually

(gentle music) - [Hope] Welcome to this lesson on Loading Data Manually into HeatWave Cluster. It covers the steps and commands to load tables into the HeatWave cluster. You must perform the following steps to load data manually into the HeatWave cluster. First, identify all the tables containing data which you want to load into the HeatWave cluster. Then you must exclude any columns with unsupported data types. You can also exclude columns that are not used in your queries. Optionally, you can specify the string column and coding option and the data placement key. Next, specify RAPID as the secondary engine option of the tables. Finally, invoke the command to load the tables into HeatWave cluster. The first step is to identify all tables that you need to load into HeatWave. Inspect all your analytical queries that you want to speed up with HeatWave. Identify all the tables used in those queries. You may also want to identify all columns used in the queries. All tables and columns…
