AM256 AM512 AM4096 AM8192B
SC60104 SC60221 SC60224 SC60226
as5145磁转器 ic 是一款非接触式的完整系统级芯片,在一圈 360° 围内提供辨率达 0.0879° 的确角度测量,每转 4, 096 个位置。使用一个简单的串行接口或 pmw 信号读取该字角度据。另,该器件用改进的值算法,实现增量正交输出模式,并能程为 10 位至 12 位辨率。于有更佳的噪声特,度进一步得到提升。
除了支持用户化零位程、芯片 id 和帮助磁铁正确位的诊断功能等奥地利微电子器系列的所有标准功能,as5145 还能提供一种与部电路同步的特殊功能,以及正弦/余弦字输出模式。当该模式激活时,输出 16 位正弦和 16 位余弦双通字据,并在部进行确计算。
the as5145 is a contactless magnetic rotary encoder for accurate angular measurement over a full turn of 360°. it is a system-on-chip, combining integrated hall elements, analog front end and digital signal processing in a single device. to measure the angle, only a simple 2-pole magnet, rotating over the center of the chip, is re the magnet may be placed above or below the ic. the absolute angle measurement provides instant indication of the magnet's angular position with a resolution of 0.0879° = 4096 postitions per revoloution. this digital data is available as a serial bit stream and as a pwm signal. an internal voltage regulator allows the as5145 to operate at either 3.3v or 5v supplies.
key features
contactless high resolution rotational position encoding over a full turn of 360°
2 digital 12-bit absolute outputs:
serial interface and
pulse width modulated (pwm) outputs
3 incremental outputs
a/b (10 or 12 bit) and index output signal
user programmable zero position
failure detection mode for magnet placement monitoring and loss of power supply
"red-yellow-green"indicators display placement of magnet in z-axis
serial read-out of multiple interconnected as5145 devices using daisy chain mode
tolerant to magnet misalignment and arigap variations
wide temperature range: -40°c to +150°c
fully automotive aec-q100 , grade 0
small pb-free package: ssop16 (5.3mm x 6.2mm)