质 | ABS | 品牌 | autosailin |
型 | D380 |
as-spi-c560和as-spi-c580 spi幻控制器 as-spi-c580带lcd显示屏,并且有3个输出ports as-spi-c560和as-spi-c580 spi幻控制器适合于各种带spi芯的软条、、象素的装饰具。内建近300种变换模式,充分挥各种芯的佳256级灰度控制;长度、速度、亮度以及运行模式可以通过按键或rf遥控制器置,并掉电记忆,无需任何编程,300种变换模式足以满足各种室内室外、舞台等的led光装饰用合。combined various chips:74hc595,hl1606,hl1609,lpd6803/lpd8806,mbi5026,dmc/13a/134/ , mbi5026/6020,dmx512 d705, ws2801,sd600 ,p2571 tm, tls300 as-spi-c560 & as-spi-c580 series spi magic color led controller is suitable for various led rgb full color lights such as led module, led strip, led smd tape, and high power led projector, wall-washer, flood light, underwater lamp etc. there are about 300 build-in running modes to be selected, all running modes are given full play to 256 level gray control for various chips; the length, speed,bright and running modes be set via key-buttons or rf remote controland can be saved when power-off. the user neednotany program working because 300 build-in running modes to be selected, that is enough for indoors, outdoors, stage light and house led lighting decorating |