谱尼简介Introduction of PONY TEST PONY谱尼测试是服务网络遍及全国的大型综合性检测机构,检测报告得到美国、英国、德国等71个国家和地区互认,具有国际公信力。总部位于中国北京,下设上海、深圳、天津、青岛、武汉、宁波、广州、苏州、香港公司,及健康与环保、贸易符合性、商品质量鉴定、安全保障4个独立事业部,共拥有6个大型实验室基地及众多服务网络。2007年至2011年荣膺德勤“高科技、高成长亚太500强”。PONY谱尼测试专注于检测服务领域,秉承“以客户需求为中心,为客户提供全面优质的检测服务和解决方案”的经营理念,力争将“PONY谱尼测试”打造成为全球Zui富竞争力的国际综合性检测服务集团。 PONY TEST is a large-scale comprehensive testing organization with service branches around the country. Test reports are mutually recognized by the USA, the UK, and Germany up to 71 countries and regions, with international credibility. The headquarters is located in Beijing China, with subsidiaries in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Qingdao, Wuhan, Ningbo, Guangzhou, Suzhou and Hong Kong, with Health and Environmental Protection, Trade Compliance, Products Quality Identification and Safety Assurance 4 individual business departments, with 6 basic large-scale laboratories and many service networks. PONY TEST has been awarded Deloitte Technology Fast 500 Asia Pacific for 5 consecutive years since 2007. PONY TEST is devoted in testing and certification, adhering to “Customers’ needs are the center, to provide comprehensive superior testing service and solution for customers” as the key in business, try to make PONY TEST the most competitive world-class testing group.
价格:面议 / 2010-01-01
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