With our many years of experience in the design and manufacture of cables, connectors, and injection molds, Sinotek is a professional OEM and ODM provider dedicated to providing the original designs and manufacturing of the most reliable and affordable HDMI cables and accessories to the market.
Established in 2000, Sinotek has devoted itself to the cable and injection molding business constantly striving to improve our manufacturing processes. Located in Shenzhen, our factory is over 6000 square meters with more than three hundreds of skilled workers. Based on our ISO9001 and ISO 14001 certified quality system, our factory provides reliable and consistent R&D and manufacturing services for our customers around the world.Since the establishment of HDMI specifications, we have worked on this cutting edge technology and have accumulated a profound understanding of HDMI connectors and cables. With the new innovations in consumer electronics, this advanced multimedia interface has become a key component in many of these new products, and HDMI still has plenty of room for growth and improvement. With patents on some of the most reliable and innovative cable manufacturing techniques, we have the unique ability of providing the most reliable HDMI cables at the most competitive costs.
Sinotek成立于2000年,致力于有线电视和注塑业务不断努力改善我们的生产流程。我们工厂位于深圳,是在6000平方米以上的三数百名熟练工人。基于我们的ISO9001、ISO 14001质量体系认证,本厂提供可靠的和一致的研发和生产服务为我们的客户在世界各地。