杭州博伦香精是一家专业生产、销售各类日化香精的公司。我们一贯秉承“不断追求,不断创新,不断超越”的发展理念,致力于高品质的产品服务和推介。 博伦香精品种多元,价格多样,产品包括香水香精、花露水香精 、湿巾香精、湿巾浓缩液、湿巾消毒液、湿巾抗菌剂、湿巾母液、湿巾防霉消毒液、湿纸巾香精、湿纸巾消毒液、蜡烛香精、膏霜、洗面奶、润肤水香精 、香波、沐浴露香精、香皂香精、空气清新剂香精、驱蚊产品和其他香精。 博伦香精以高品质的产品和的服务,与您携手共创一片美好的芬芳天地。 Introduction Hangzhou Bolun Essences Co., Ltd is a professional company which makes and markets essences for daily use . We are committed to high-quality services of products and promotions and have being sticken to the business idea of “ constantly persues, innovates , and surpasses ” . Bolun essences have all kinds of breeds and diversified prices , and our products includes flavor essences , Scented fragrant essences, essences for dish detergents, essences for shampoo, for soaps, for pesticide and so on . Bolun Essences Company will create a wonderful fragrant world hand in hand with you with our high-quality products and the best services.
- 公司地址:
- 杭州市西河口工业园区 -
- 固定电话:
- 0571-86130869 未核实,仅供参考
- 经理:
- 王经理
- 经理手机:
- 13335817591 未核实,仅供参考
- 电子邮件:
- bolunxj@126.com
- 邮政编码:
- 310000
- 传真号码:
- 0571-86047859
- 顺企®采购:
- 请卖家联系我在线采购产品