我公司致力于三个业务领域:滤网&过滤布; 滤带.空气过滤产品主要用于过滤、筛分和传送行业,适用的过滤机械有水平真空带式过滤机、箱式压滤机、立式压滤机、圆盘式过滤机、真空转鼓过滤机、带式压滤机、立式叶滤机、立盘过滤机、摩尔柱式过滤机、离心机,烛式过滤机以及环保除尘行业用于有毒有害气体和粉尘过滤的高温陶瓷滤芯和褶皱滤片。
our screen and filter products include filter media, screening and sieving products created from synthetic, metallic, spiral and ceramic materials amongst others. Supported by in-house research and development capabilities and local technical support our products are designed to meet a wide variety of applications. We are proud to provide an extensive range of wet and dry filtration and screening prod..【查看详情】