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Arctic star power transmission and distribution network: wire and cable is the main carrier of power transmission, its range of use is very extensive, especially in the "city network, rural power grid" transformation and new projects on the use of very large amount. Recently, from the sampling results of quality supervision departments across the country, the quality problem is still more prominent, in 2010, Guangdong Province Electric Power Supply Bureau 8 checks on the XLPE power cable manufacturers in the site, one of the 6 manufacturers is not qualified, only 2 qualified manufacturers; Foshan Technical Supervision Bureau recently checks 66 samples in the market. 63 of them are unqualified, qualified only 3; 2007 Beijing Olympic project joint Beijing electric power supply bureau checks the quality of the cable, substandard products involving more than 10 cable manufacturing enterprises. To this end, this article specifically on the market demand for a large number of wires and cables, for some inferior products to do the following analysis and identification.春晨JEM电机引接线

In general, the authenticity of insulated wire on the market or use is mainly the product or packaging labels and have no 3C mark, but the actual user purchase situation, many quality problems of insulated wire even if their products or packages also have the 3C logo, so sometimes difficult to distinguish the authenticity and in this case, you can not easily believe. According to the introduction, inferior wires have great harm. The first is low safety performance. The insulating layer of many wires is not made of regular insulating plastics, but is made of recycled plastics. The insulation layer is peeled off with a single peeling, which is easy to cause the insulation layer to be current broken and leakage, which poses a great threat to the safety of the users' lives. Secondly, the thickness of the conducting inner conductor determines the load of the wire to the current, and the greater the current, the thicker the inner core of the conductor. It is found in the inspection that the actual cross section size of many wires is far less than the size of the wires. As many wires known as the core cross-section of 4 mm2, measured only 2.5 square millimeters, and some even only 1.5 square millimeters. When consumers use this product, it will cause excessive resistance to heat, causing electrical fire hazard.春晨JEM电机引接线

There are several techniques for identifying inferior insulated wires:

First, ordinary wires

(a) to read labels and printed words on the insulating sheath, if there are typos or printed words shades, fuzzy, to attract attention.

(two) finger rub some insulating sheath, poor insulation cable jacket is easy to fade, especially the red line will appear this kind of problem, by rubbing fingers after leaving skin color or line printed words on the online skin erased general is inferior line.

(three) with the nail scratch, pinch the insulation skin, you can pull down, pinch down a piece of general bad line.

(four) bend the insulated wires repeatedly, the insulation material of bad line is poor, and the insulation layer will break after bending 3~4 times.

(five) ignite the insulation layer, after leaving the flame, spontaneous combustion is inferior line.

(six) look at the core color, inferior line color is dark and no metal luster.

(seven) the length of the package is generally 100 meters per lap or ring, the national allowable error is + 0.5%, the length of the inferior wire is only 95 meters, or even less; some are misleading on the package with "code" as the unit.

(eight) if the above 7 methods can not be determined, but also can measure the insulation wire diameter and core diameter, the measured value is large, basically is inferior insulation wire (Note: there are a lot of bad manufacturers, not conductor section, increase insulation or sheath thickness to the wire diameter to deceive users).

Two 、 halogen free low smoke environmental protection wire

At present, domestic technology or raw materials, only the use of irradiation technology to ensure insulation low smoke halogen-free flame retardant wire is not affected by high temperature and humid environment destruction, low smoke halogen-free flame retardant wire and non irradiation crosslinking, even after water test, there are problems in the design of Engineering application. Non radiation crosslinking 2005 Nanjing civil engineering using the low smoke halogen-free flame retardant wire in a humid environment after laying, multi line insulation strength failure, only the replacement of all, there are many domestic design institutes (such as the Beijing Institute of architecture of the Olympic project, Beijing West Railway Station underground mall, Guangdong Science Center Building etc.) LSZH cable engineering regulations shall not use non irradiation crosslinking. Because the non irradiation cross-linking low smoke halogen-free flame retardant wire are particularly vulnerable to water (low smoke halogen-free materials using a large number of AL thermoplastic (OH) or 3 Mg (OH) 2), according to the national electric wire & Cable Testing Center test: non irradiation cross-linking low smoke halogen-free flame retardant wire after water temperature experiment after the insulation resistance decreased 100~1000 times.

Therefore, the identification of such wires, very simple, is to see whether the production enterprises have radiation cross-linked cable production line

Three, refractory wire

To identify inferior wires, the mica tapes should be recognized on the basis of ordinary wires.

(1) 2 layers of mica tape are usually wrapped, and the overlap rate is about 50%.

(two) the quality of mica tape is also critical, gently rub, such as powder, that is bad.

(three) flame burned mica, such as flame through mica tape, is inferior refractory wire.

Electrician's little knowledge

Power P=I2 x R type: I -- current R -- conductor resistance

The R is inversely proportional to the cross section S of the conductor. That is to say, the shoddy wiring on the conductor cross section will not only cause the conductor overheating and insulation aging, but also cause the danger of electrical fire and the loss of electric energy. For example, the cross-section is only 90%, then the standard cross-section of the conductor to consume more than 10% of the electric energy.

In short, such as the use of inferior

相关产品:JBQ电机引接线 , JFEM电机引接线 , JEM电机引接线
所属分类:中国电工电气网 / 电气设备用电缆
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