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Configuring Knative by using the Operator

The Operator manages the configuration of a Knative installation, including propagating values from the KnativeServing and KnativeEventing custom resources to system ConfigMaps.

Any updates to ConfigMaps which are applied manually are overwritten by the Operator. However, modifying the Knative custom resources allows you to set values for these ConfigMaps.

Knative has multiple ConfigMaps that are named with the prefix config-.

All Knative ConfigMaps are created in the same namespace as the custom resource that they apply to. For example, if the KnativeServing custom resource is created in the knative-serving namespace, all Knative Serving ConfigMaps are also created in this namespace.

The spec.config in the Knative custom resources have one <name> entry for each ConfigMap, named config-<name>, with a value which is be used for the ConfigMap data.


You can specify that the KnativeServing custom resource uses the config-domain ConfigMap as follows:

apiVersion: operator.knative.dev/v1beta1
kind: KnativeServing
  name: knative-serving
  namespace: knative-serving
      example.org: |
          app: prod
      example.com: ""

You can apply values to multiple ConfigMaps. This example sets stable-window to 60s in the config-autoscaler ConfigMap, as well as specifying the config-domain ConfigMap:

apiVersion: operator.knative.dev/v1beta1
kind: KnativeServing
  name: knative-serving
  namespace: knative-serving
      example.org: |
          app: prod
      example.com: ""
      stable-window: "60s"

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