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分*** 21-11-11 评价

Biography - Mr. Ma Yun Biography - Mr. Ma Yun - Alibaba Chairman of the Board of Mr. Ma Yun "Lei in China," 108 Top 36 Jinjiang issued list.Moderator Ma invited to speak, Ma first did not enter the 36 strong players speech. Ma said to the players: "For young people, the passion to come fast, go too fast." What is passion, passion in the next three decades, every day to maintain this momentum. "" A failure to lose a competitive opportunity does not matter. What is the passion, passion is in the process of struggle no matter how many blows, still never give up. "Next, Ma on the cut 36 players talked about:" I do not Mr. Wu Ying (UT Starcom President) so lucky.

From small to large, the failure of the experience can not remember in mind. Primary school exam key middle school, not admitted; test university, test three times; but also not as Mr. Wu have the opportunity to go abroad.In the entrepreneurial experience, it is not remember how many unlucky things encountered, but I just feel a little light, warm right hand with his left hand. I think I'm still good. "There are three factors in a person's success.

First, the vision, read thousands of books than to travel thousands of miles; Second, the mind, the man's mind is a success factor of three points.

First, the vision, reading thousands of books than the line Miles;

Second, the mind, wronged stretch; three, strength. Strength is your ability to fight against failure. Unjustly

Third, the strength. Strength is your ability to fight against failure. Finished, the audience applause. I am Mr. Ma Yun faithful FANS, that is not funny, as he was a successful, covered with numerous halo head of the people who have experienced numerous failures, or even decadent. I have witnessed his entrepreneurial path.

In 20xx, in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province. One day, a documentary on television. A young boy on the screen sells the site from house to house.The young man's face showed a very radical expression, his mouth chatter, wearing a very cheap shirt, the rationale is very rustic hair. Because the looks weird, at first glance, I am very disdain, that is a liar, is the kind of very no quality of the stalker salesman. Next, I was shocked. Lens playback, the original This is a story about Alibaba CEO Ma's documentary interview. Just broadcast the image of his former site to do when selling the scene.

The film later introduced Ma and his team. They have worked numerous projects, experienced numerous failures, each time is the light of the last penny of the body, or even all of their own, you can borrow to get business, the result is that every time Every failure has to be disbanded. Wait until the next project, they get together again and again, do not know how many times to see later, I simply think Ma is the most unlucky bad luck under the sun. 20xx economic character selection, the host asked Ma: "Alibaba website is successful, whether the injection of 20 million US dollars because of Softbank, you always wanted to engage in IT industry?" Ma: "At the time of resignation from the school, I wanted to take 10 years to do one thing, no matter what, did not want to be a website or anything else, even to open a restaurant, I will immediately go.

Ma is one such, experienced numerous frustrations and failures, or even to open a restaurant, never give up such a person. Speaking of IT elite, we can easily think of his contemporaries: Baidu's CEO Robin Li. "Mr. Fashion" is the evaluation of Robin Li, "a good man does not necessarily have money; rich men do not necessarily handsome; money and handsome man is not necessarily Gu; and the money looks handsome and Gu is broken The other is a grand network of Chen Tianqiao.Ancientist Chen Tianqiao as an opportunist entrepreneur.Because his wealth is the success of the agent because of his agent, The South Korean game Ma Yun really not so good luck, looks handsome, or even ugly, and no background and a chance of success.

His achievements today can be described as hard-won, may have spent several times the effort of others. At the same time as the 20xx economic figures, the moderator asked the three entrepreneurs, "How can your company attract me to your company?" One man said, "With my man's charm. Ma said: If you come to Alibaba website. The first year, you will feel a lot of mercy, combat, or even unfair; Ma said: "If you come to the Alibaba website, the first year, you will feel a lot of distaste, You will be able to accept and adapt; the fifth year, you will not be afraid of any challenge. The second year, you will be able to accept and adapt; until the fifth year, you from the Ali Baba out, you will not be afraid of any challenges.





















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