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姚*** 22-05-30 导游词

Dear tourists

Hello and welcome to Jingdezhen ancient kiln factory. I'm your guide. Now Iwill use my time on the road to tell you something about ceramics.

As the saying goes: people take food as their heaven, and food needsutensils. It can be seen that ceramics are closely related to humancivilization. We humans invented pottery as early as 5000 or 6000 years ago, andporcelain was developed on the basis of pottery. Porcelain is more delicate thanpottery. Smooth. Hard. The firing temperature is also higher. Another point isthat porcelain is made from porcelain ore, while pottery is made from clay.Another explanation of China is that porcelain is as famous as China abroad. Themost representative porcelain is in Jingdezhen, which is known as the capital ofporcelain. Even "Jingdezhen" comes from porcelain. In ancient times, becauseJingdezhen was located in the south of Changjiang River, it was called Changnantown. Later, it was called Xinping town and Fuliang town. It was not until theNorthern Song Dynasty that Zhao Heng, Emperor Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty,decided that Zhongying celadon was imperial porcelain because he saw the placeof origin of the celadon. Every batch of porcelain made by the craftsmen wasdecorated with "Jingde year system", so the imperial court called the place oforigin of this kind of porcelain "Jingdezhen". The porcelain that Jingdezhenpeople are proud of is "blue and white porcelain, exquisite porcelain, pastelporcelain, color glaze and thin body porcelain." They are as white as jade, asbright as a mirror, as loud as a chime, and as thin as paper.

Well, now we have come to fulonggang in the West urban area. This ancientbuilding, which is covered by trees, is the ancient kiln porcelain factory weare going to visit today. As far as I know, there is only one such porcelainfactory in the world. Does anyone know why it is called "ancient kiln" porcelainfactory? Because this factory uses the method of Jingdezhen Ming and QingDynasties to make porcelain. The porcelain making process, tools, workshops andkilns are ancient, and the products are mostly antique, so it is called "ancientkiln".

Next, please follow me in. Entering this blank room, you can see that theancient porcelain making workshop is composed of four parts: the main room, thechamber, the mud room and the inner courtyard. The main room and the chambermatch in North and south, and they are parallel. The mud room is located in thewest, and the middle is a rectangular inner courtyard. Among them, the main bodyof the green house is the main room, facing south, with sufficient lighting. Allthe workshops for the production of porcelain are completed here. The windlassis the main equipment for the production of porcelain, and the warehouse is theplace for storing raw materials. The mud room is filled with refined mud, andthe inner courtyard is a natural dry place for porcelain. In the middle of theinner courtyard, there is a sun rack pond, which is the most important equipmentin the ancient workshop, and it is very ingenious. Who knows its beauty? Itsbeauty is that the pool and sun pool make use of the space and reduce the landoccupation.

Come and see this master. He is putting a ball of mud on the head of thepulley. His hands touch each other. With the rotation of the wheel, the rudimentof a bowl appears. This is called "making billet", commonly known as drawingbillet. Let's see here. The master is concentrating on turning the billet. Thefirst billet is drawn to a certain extent, and then it is cut to meet therequirements with a knife on the pulley car. It is commonly known as "turningbillet" or "cutting billet". Of course, the technological process of the ancientkiln porcelain factory also includes painting porcelain, glazing and enteringthe kiln. Look at these masters painting porcelain here. Let's see how long ittakes to draw a bowl. Yes, it takes only 10 seconds Between, the bowl blank isfull of colorful camellia.

Let's go this way. Let's take a look at the kiln house that turns theporcelain body into porcelain. Firing porcelain in the kiln house depends on thepractice of workers, strict labor combination and fine division of labor. Thereis a technical director in the kiln, who is called "master Bozhuang". When itcomes to Ba, Master Zhuang can't talk about Tong Bin. He was a famous master ofbazhuang in Wanli period. He was highly skilled, upright and respected by kilnworkers. At that time, he was ordered to make the extra large blue and whitedragon VAT. Tong Bin and the porcelain workers tried every means to make it, butit failed many times. Seeing that the delivery date was approaching, it was hardto disobey the emperor's orders. For the sake of the life of the porcelainworkers, he jumped into a raging fire at the critical moment of the firingprocess again.

Strange to say, it really succeeded this time. People said that it wasbecause Tong Bin showed his spirit. Later, people named him "fenghuoxian". Thisis about the story of Master Zhuang's passing on - Tong Bin jumps in the kiln.Master Ba Zhuang is the chief person in charge of the wood kiln firing process.He is responsible for all kinds of technical problems in the firing process.When the porcelain is ready to be cooked but not yet ripe, the time to stopfiring is the most critical. If the firing time is too long, the porcelain willburn yellow or even fall into the kiln. If the firing time is too short, theporcelain will not be cooked again. At this time, master Ba Zhuang's eyes arecompletely relied on.

Ladies and gentlemen, that's the end of today's tour. I hope I can guideyou later. thank you!!





















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