This documentation comes from this zipped version of the old docs site in the repo, and may be out of date with respect to the latest changes. Please submit an issue (or better yet a PR) to resolve any issues in the documentation
- Total customization of all views – This lib does not design anything. It only provides a layout (7 columns and 1-6 rows). Therefore any visual design of both cells and calendar is possible.
- Horizontal or vertical mode – Ability to switch from a vertical scrolling to horizontal scrolling calendar.
- Range selection – Select dates in a range.
- Week/Month mode – 7 columns (Sunday to Saturday). But you decide how many rows to display. Number of rows are limited to the range 1 to 6.
- Custom first day of week – First day of week does not have to be Sunday. You can pick any day.
- Headers – Ability to add headers of varying sizes for each month.
These are a fraction of many more features. Here are calendar styles created by developers using this lib.
Familiarity with the following non-calendar pointers, helps avoid repetitive questions and delayed answers.
- How to use UITableView or UICollectionView and understand how delegate functions work. Knowledge that cells are reused in these controls.
- Questions about this library asked on Github, will get a faster response than contacting me by email.
- Knowledge about the iOS Calendar() class and how time zones work in iOS to avoid questions such as this one (2nd most repeated question)
Lets Begin!