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Sample data sets

These files are used as sample data in Verde and are downloaded by verde.datasets functions:

  • baja-bathymetry.csv.xz: Bathymetry data from Baja California. This is the GMT tutorial data @tut_ship.xyz stored in CSV format and xz compressed.
  • rio-magnetic.csv.xz: Total-field magnetic anomaly data from the northwestern part of an airborne survey of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, conducted in 1978. Columns are longitude, latitude, total field anomaly (nanoTesla), observation height above the WGS84 ellipsoid (meters), type of flight line (LINE or TIE), and flight line number. The anomaly is calculated with respect to the IGRF field at the center of the survey area at 500 m altitude for the year 1978.3. This dataset was cropped from the original survey, made available by the Geological Survey of Brazil (CPRM) through their GEOSGB portal. See the original data for more processing information.
  • california-gps.csv.xz: GPS velocities (east, north, vertical) from the United States West coast cut from EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory data provided by UNAVCO through the GAGE Facility with support from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) under NSF Cooperative Agreement No. EAR-1261833. Velocities are referenced to the North American tectonic plate (NAM08).
  • texas-wind.csv: Average for February 26 2018 of wind speed (in knots) and air temperature (in C) for the state of Texas, USA. The original data was downloaded from the Iowa State University archive.