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Ambassador Developer's Guide


Ambassador sits between users and an Envoy. The primary job that an Ambassador does is to take an Ambassador configuration and, from that, generate an Envoy configuration. This generation happens using an intermediate representation (IR) to manage all the internal logic that Ambassador needs:

Ambassador config => IR => Envoy config

Ambassador Components and Ports

Ambassador comprises several different components:

Component Type Function.
diagd Python Increasingly-misnamed core of the system; manages changing configurations and provides the diagnostics UI
entrypoint/ambex Go Envoy go-control-plane implementation; supplies Envoy with current configuration
entrypoint/watcher Go Service/secret discovery; interface to Kubernetes and Consul
envoy C++ The actual proxy process

entrypoint, diagd, and envoy are all long-running daemons. If any of them exit, the pod as a whole will exit.

Ambassador uses several TCP ports while running. All but one of them are in the range 8000-8499, and any future assignments for Ambassador ports should come from this range.

Port Process Function
8001 envoy Internal stats, logging, etc.; not exposed outside pod
8002 entrypoint/watcher Internal watt snapshot access; not exposed outside pod
8003 entrypoint/ambex Internal ambex snapshot access; not exposed outside pod
8004 diagd Internal diagd access when AMBASSADOR_FAST_RECONFIGURE is set; not exposed outside pod
8005 entrypoint/external_snapshot_server Exposes configuration snapshots for integration with other tools, such as the Ambassador Agent
8006 envoy Default ready listener port
8080 envoy Default HTTP service port
8443 envoy Default HTTPS service port
8877 diagd Direct access to diagnostics UI; provided by busyambassador entrypoint when AMBASSADOR_FAST_RECONFIGURE is set

The Ambassador Configuration

An Ambassador configuration is a collection of Ambassador configuration resources, which are represented by subclasses of ambassador.config.ACResource. The configuration as a whole is represented by an ambassador.Config object.

ambassador.Config does not know how to parse YAML, interact with Kubernetes, or look at the filesystem. Instead, its consumer must construct a consistent list of fully-instantiated ACResource objects and tell ambassador.Config to load these resources:

aconf: Config = Config()
aconf.load_all(resources: List[ACResource])

load_all is only meant to be called once, with a complete set of all the resources comprising the Ambassador configuration. To change the configuration, instantiate a new ambassador.Config.

The ambassador.Config class is relatively unsophisticated: for the most part, all it does is to save the resources handed to it in a way that preserves the type of the resources, and permits consumers to query the Config for various kinds of resources:

  • get_config(self, key: str) -> Any

    Fetches all the configuration information the Config has for the type tagged as key, e.g. aconf.get_config("mappings") will fetch all the Mappings that the Config has stored.

    Current keys include:

    • auth_configs: information from AuthService definitions
    • mappings: information from Mappings
    • modules: information from Modules, including the Ambassador and TLS Modules
    • ratelimit_configs: information about RateLimitServices
    • tracing_configs: information about TracingServices
  • get_module(self, module_name: str) -> Optional[ACResource]

    Fetches the Module with a given name (e.g. aconf.get_module("ambassador") will fetch information about the Ambassador Module). Returns None if no Module with the given name is found.

  • module_lookup(self, module_name: str, key: str, default: Any=None) -> Any

    Looks up a specific key in a specific Module. e.g.

    aconf.module_lookup('ambassador', 'service_port', 8080)

    will look up the service_port from the Ambassador Module; if no service_port is defined, the default value will be 8080.

  • dump(self, output=sys.stdout) -> None

    Dumps the entire Config object to the given output, for debugging.

Once a Config has loaded resources, it can be used to create an IR.

The IR

The Intermediate Representation is where most of the logic of Ambassador lives. The IR as a whole is represented by an ambassador.IR object, which contains many objects descended from ambassador.ir.IRResource. The logic needed to synthesize the IR from an ambassador.Config is mostly contained in these IRResource subclasses; relatively little is in the ambassador.IR class itself.

An ambassador.IR can only be instantiated from an ambassador.Config:

ir = IR(aconf: Config)

The general rule in the IR is that everything interesting is stored in objects descended from IRResource. There are two cases:

Only One IRResource

Only one of some IRResource objects can exist within a given IR, no matter how many distinct ACResources they collect information from. A good example here is the IRAmbassador object, which contains global configuration information pooled from the Ambassador Module as well any TLS Module: only one of these will ever exist.

For these single-instance objects:

  1. First the resource is instantiated with the ambassador.IR and ambassador.Config objects as parameters. Whatever information is needed to initialize the IRResource, its __init__ method should pull directly from the Config and/or IR objects.

  2. Next, the resource's setup method is called, again with the IR and Config as parameters. setup can perform further initialization, consistency checks, etc., and must return a boolean: True will allow the resource to become active, False will mean the resource isn't needed after all. (For example, the IRAuth object will return False if it doesn't find any configured authentication services.)

    The default setup method simply returns True, so any IRResource subclass that doesn't override it will always be active.

  3. If the resource's setup returns True, the IR will save it as an active resource.

  4. After all resources have been probed, the IR will walk the list of active resources and call the add_mappings method for each active resource. add_mappings should add any mappings or clusters needed by the resource. (For example, the IRAmbassador object adds mappings (and thus clusters) to handle probes and diagnostics.)

    The default add_mappings method does nothing, so no mappings or clusters will be added for IRResource subclasses that don't override add_mappings.

For single-instance objects, the distinction between __init__ and setup is rarely relevant. It's OK to do everything in __init__ and allow the default setup to always return True; likewise it's OK to just save incoming data in __init__ and have all logic in setup.

Multiple IRResources

There can be multiple instances of some IRResource objects: for example, a single Config can contain many Mappings and multiple Listeners. For these resources, we use a Factory class, which must implement the load_all classmethod and may implement the finalize classmethod, both of which receive the IR and Config as parameters.

  1. load_all is called early in the instantiation process, and is responsible for creating as many individual resources as needed and saving them (usually in the IR itself).

  2. finalize is called only after all the factories have had load_all called and all other single-instance resources have had add_mappings called, and is responsible for any normalization or other initialization that depends on global knowledge (for example, MappingFactory.finalize does the normalization of weights across Mapping groups).

The Full Sequence

The full IR instantiation sequence can be found in ambassador.ir.IR.__init__:

  • TLS defaults
  • IRAmbassadorTLS (TLS contexts, etc.)
  • IRAmbassador (global Ambassador config)
  • IRAuth (extauth services)
  • IRRateLimit (rate limiting)
  • ListenerFactory (listeners -- creates IRListener objects)
  • MappingFactory (mappings -- creates IRMappingGroup, IRMapping, and IRCluster objects)
  • Cluster naming normalization


  • IR.add_mapping adds or looks up an IRMappingGroup with associated IRMappings and IRClusters.
  • IR.add_cluster adds only an IRCluster.
  • IR.has_cluster and IR.get_cluster do IRCluster lookups.
  • IR.dump dumps the entire IR for debugging.

The Envoy V1 Configuration

Finally, an Envoy V1 configuration is represented by ambassador.envoy.V1Config. A V1 config is built from an IR, again with most of the logic to do so contained in classes that mirror the structure of the V1 config. As we support later Envoy configuration versions, they will have their own classes.

The root of the Envoy V1 configuration is ambassador.envoy.v1.V1Config.

Overall Life Cycle

  1. Construct a collection of ACResource objects (from disk, from K8s, whatever).

    This will mostly involve ACResource.from_dict or ACResource.from_yaml.

  2. Instantiate an ambassador.Config. Use its load_all() method to load up the collection of ACResource objects.

  3. Instantiate an ambassador.IR from the ambassador.Config.

  4. Instantiate an ambassador.envoy.V1Config from the ambassador.IR.

Developing in Ambassador

In all cases, understanding the class hierarchy and the lifecycle around the IR will be important. Both of these are discussed below.

Adding Features

Adding a feature will start with the Ambassador configuration resources:

  • The simple case will involve modifying a schema file and possibly modifying an ACResource class.
  • The less simple case will involve adding a new schema and a new ACResource subclass.
    • Unless the new class needs complex logic (it shouldn't), you can just let the existing Config code save your new resource.
    • If it does need complex logic, you'll need to add a handler method to Config.

Once the Ambassador config is dealt with, you'll add or modify the IR to cope. Most of what you do here should involve the IRResource subclasses, not the IR class itself (although if you're adding something completely new, you'll need to add code to IR.__init__ to call your new class).

Once the IR is dealt with, you'll need to add or modify the V1Config to cope with the IR changes.

Handling Bugs

The trick with bugs will be figuring out what you need to change. In general, work from V1Config to IR to Ambassador config -- the closer to Envoy that the fix can go, the simpler it will probably be.

  • ambassador.Config and ambassador.IR both have dump methods that are invaluable for studying their contents.
  • You can also attach debuggers and look at objects. Most of the things you're working with are subclasses of dict, so many introspection tools are simple.

Class Hierarchy

  • IR
    • IRResource
      • IRAdmin
      • IRAmbassador
      • IRCluster
      • IRFilter
        • IRAuth
      • IRListener
      • IRMapping
      • IRMappingGroup
      • IRRateLimit
      • IRAmbassadorTLS
      • IREnvoyTLS
  • envoy
    • V1Config
      • V1Admin
      • V1Cluster
      • V1ClusterManager
      • V1Listener

(This diagram is mostly about the way the classes are used, rather than strictly reflecting implementation. For example, the Config class is actually ambassador.config.config.Config but is imported into ambassador to make usage easier.)

The Resource Class

IRResource and ACResource are subclasses of ambassador.Resource, although they are shown in the packages where they are logically used. A Resource is a kind of dict that can keep track of where it came from, what makes use of it, and any errors associated with it.

To initialize a Resource requires:

  • rkey: a short identifier that is used as the primary key for all the Ambassador classes to identify this single specific resource. It should be something like "ambassador-default.1" or the like that is very specific, though it doesn't have to be fun for humans.

  • location: a more human-readable string describing where the human should go to find the source of this resource. "Service ambassador, namespace default, object 1". This is primarly used for diagnostics.

  • kind: the kind of resource this is -- "Mapping", "TLS", "AuthService", whatever.

  • serialization: the original input serialization, if we have it, of the object. If we don't have it, this should be None -- don't just serialize the object to no purpose.

All of these should be passed as keyword arguments (although it is possible to pass rkey and kind as positional arguments, it is discouraged). A Resource can also accept any other arbitrary keyword arguments, which will be saved in the Resource as they would be in a dict.

Resource defines multiple common methods and mechanisms:

  • Dot notation and brace notation are equivalent for Resource: rsrc.foo and rsrc["foo"] are, by definition, equivalent.

  • rsrc.post_error(status: RichStatus) posts an error notification that will be tracked throughout the life of the object. It will be the case that anything trying to use the Resource will inherit its errors; this is not fully implemented yet.

  • rsrc.referenced_by(other: Resource) marks this Resource as being referenced by another Resource. For example, an Ambassador Mapping will cause Envoy clusters to be created. The IRCluster object created to track the cluster will reference the ACMapping that defined the mapping that caused the cluster to be created. This gives the diagnostics service a way to track from the cluster back to the annotation that caused it to exist.

  • rsrc.references(other: Resource) is the other direction: it marks the other Resource as being referenced by us.

  • rsrc.is_referenced_by(rkey: str) -> Optional[Resource] returns None if the given rkey is not associated with a Resource that references this Resource, or the referencing Resource if it is.

  • rsrc.as_dict() -> dict returns a raw-dictionary form of just the data fields of the Resource. Things like the location and the references table are removed.

  • Class method Resource.from_dict(rkey: str, location: str, serialization: Optional[str], attrs: dict) creates a new Resource or subclass from a dictionary. The kind passed in the dictionary determines the actual class of the object returned (see below for more).

  • Class method Resource.from_yaml(rkey: str, location: str, serialization: str) deserializes the YAML serialization and passes that to Resource.from_dict.

  • Class method Resource.from_resource(...) clones a Resource, allowing optionally overriding any field using keyword arguments.

The ACResource class

ACResource is a subclass of Resource which specifically refers to Ambassador configuration resources. It adds no new behaviors, but two additional keyword arguments are present when initializing:

  • name is the name given to this Ambassador resource. Required for every type except Pragma.

  • apiVersion is the API version to use when interpreting this resource. If not given, it defaults to "ambassador/v0".

Also, ACResource.from_dict will look first for ACResource subclasses when interpreting types.

The IRResource class

IRResource is a subclass of Resource which specifically refers to IR resources. IRResource doesn't add any new fields (and, in fact, many IRResource subclasses default some fields) but several new behaviors are added.