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Cornerstone Tools Examples

👋 Looking for an Example's Source Code? Checkout:

👇 Want to create or modify an example? Keep reading 👇

Getting Started

This directory contains the source code that powers our examples. We use Jekyll, a static site generator, to turn these files into plain HTML/CSS/JS.

Why Jekyll?

  • Similar tools can share templates
  • We can leverage "data" to generate content: (collections, data files, etc.)
  • Markdown to HTML support
  • Syntax highlighting for code examples

Making Changes


Jekyll is a Ruby Gem. To get started using Ruby and Jekyll follow the appropriate guide for your operating system.


Navigate to this directory in your shell / command prompt, and run any of the following commands:

# Install missing gems/packages
bundle install

# Builds and serves site locally; watches for source changes
bundle exec jekyll serve

Authoring Guidelines

If you're feeling a bit lost, I recommend brushing up on Jekyll Basics. I'll try to include a brief overview here as it pertains to this project, but there's no better guide than Jekyll's own docs.

Project Structure

The source for examples lives in the master branch's examples/ directory. When changes are committed, our CI Server builds a new version of the examples site and pushes the changes to the gh-pages branches examples directory. All files in the gh-pages branch are served using GitHub Pages.

├── master/examples
│   ├── _includes/
│   ├── _layouts/
│   ├── assets/
│   ├── tools/
│   └── index.md
└── gh-pages/examples
    ├── assets/
    ├── tools/
    └── index.html

If a directory is prefixed with an underscore ( _ ), it is a special directory. Non-prefixed directories are generated in place using Front-Matter and Liquid templating.


Tool examples contain a small block of information at the top of their file that looks like this:

layout: tool-simple
title: Angle Tool
toolName: Angle
toolType: annotation

# Tool specific content goes here.

Hello World :wave:

The layout field tells us which layout to use as a template. The other values become page variables that can be used by the template. For example, the tool-simple layout uses the title variable like so:

<h1 class="title is-1">{{ page.title }}</h1>

All content beneath the --- is rendered in the {{ content }} of the target layout.

Code Syntax Highlighting

Wrapping a block of code using highlight blocks causes Jekyll to render it as an example with Syntax highlighting:

{% highlight javascript %}
// Init cornerstone tools

// Add our tool, and set it's mode
const LengthTool = cornerstoneTools.LengthTool;

cornerstoneTools.setToolActive('Length', {
  mouseButtonMask: 1
{% endhighlight %}

Produces something similar to:

Example Syntax Highlighting Output


Targeting a different version of a cornerstone dependency:

The example's dependencies are specified in /examples/includes/head.html. You can update the imports here to a local/dev version of cornerstone-tools, or update the unpkg tag to look at a previously released version.

How do I make things prettier?

We currently include bulma, a CSS framework, to add a few classes to make styling easier. Please reference their documentation if you would like to leverage styling.

Developing the examples with Jerkyll without installing Ruby/Gems

Serve the page with autoreload in docker:

docker run --rm -it --volume="$PWD:/srv/jekyll" -p 4000:4000 jekyll/jekyll:3.8.5 jekyll serve --watch

Go to localhost:4000


docker run
--rm                          # Automatically remove the container when it exits
-it                           # Makes the logs from inside the container visible in your comandline
--volume="$PWD:/srv/jekyll"   # Takes the current folder and maps it to the container
-p 4000:4000                  # Fowards the port 4000 to localhost:4000
jekyll/jekyll:3.8.5           # Which docker image to use
jekyll serve --watch          # Command to run inside the container