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def findOpenClose(string, char: tuple[str, str]):
i = _i = string.find(char[0])
ie = string.find(char[1])
while string.count(char[0], i + 1, ie) != string.count(char[1], i + 1, ie):
ie = string.find(char[1], ie + 1)
return i, ie
def embed_link(link):
ignore = ["#usage", "#contribute"]
raw = ['.png', '.txt']
branch = 'master'
base_raw = f'{branch}/ '
base = f'{branch}/ '
if not link.startswith('http') and link not in ignore:
link = (base_raw if any(link.endswith(r) for r in raw) else base) + link
return link
def embed(content: str):
i, ie = findOpenClose(content, ('[', ']'))
if i == -1 or ie == -1: return content
if content[ie + 1] == '(':
alt_txt = content[i + 1:ie]
li, lie = findOpenClose(content[ie + 1:], ('(', ')'))
link = content[li + ie + 2:lie + ie + 1]
ie = lie + ie + 1
_embed_ = f"[{embed(alt_txt)}]({embed_link(link)})"
_embed_ = content[i:ie + 1]
return content[:i] + _embed_ + embed(content[ie + 1:])
if __name__ == '__main__':
with open('docs/', 'w+') as wFile:
with open('', 'r') as rFile:
You can’t perform that action at this time.