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ComStock Postprocessing

This package automates the common postprocessing tasks that are part of running ComStock. It includes:

  • Downloading ComStock results from S3
  • Downloading CBECS data from S3
  • Scaling ComStock results to national scale using CBECS
  • Plotting comparisons of one or more ComStock runs and CBECS versions
  • Exporting data to CSV for plotting using other tools


  1. A ComStock run exists and results have been pushed to the S3 RESBLDG account
  2. You have set up credentials for accessing the S3 RESBLDG account

AWS Access

Non-NREL Staff

To download your BuildStockBatch simulation results from S3 for postprocessing, you’ll need to configure your user account with your AWS credentials. This setup only needs to be done once.

  1. Install the AWS CLI version 2
  2. Configure the AWS CLI. (Don’t type the $ in the example.)
  3. You may need to change the Athena Engine version for your query workgroup to v2 or v3.

NREL Staff

NREL now uses a refreshable Single Sign On (SSO) approach for authentication of accounts.

If you have already configured the SSO for the resbldg AWS account:

  1. Set the AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE environment variable to the alias for your AWS resbldg SSO account.
    • On Windows, the command is set AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE=my_resbldg_account_alias
    • On OSX, the command is export AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE=my_resbldg_account_alias
  2. Run the following command to activate the SSO: aws sso login - follow the prompts in the webpage

You're now ready to execute the commands below! In case of an AWS access error please begin by running the login command again. The SSO does time out eventually.

To configure SSO for the resbldg account

Note: Access to the SSO requires an NREL network account. We do not currently support use of the sampler for users without an NREL account.

  1. Go to the NREL AWS SSO page and click on the AWS Account button.
  2. Click on the NREL AWS RESBLDG dropdown. If you do not see the dropdown email the CSC team and ask for accesss to the resbldg account.
  3. Click on an available role (typically developer) and then click the Command line or programatic access link.
  4. Follow the steps listed in the AWS IAM Identity Center credentials (Recommended) section.
  5. Remember the name you give the profile during the configuration. This is the value you will set the AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE enviornment variable to.
  6. Open the credentials file inside your home directory:
    • On Windows, this is: C:\Users\myusername\.aws\credentials
    • On Mac, this is: /Users/myusername/.aws/credentials
  7. If there are any values set under the default profile either rename the profile (replace the word default with something else) or delete the section. For reference a default profile in the credentials file looks like the following and should be deleted:
    aws_access_key_id = AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE
    aws_secret_access_key = wJalrX+UtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY
  8. Follow the steps above to set the AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE and login to the resbldg account.


Create a new conda environment with python 3.9 or above (only need to do this once):

# Local
$ conda create -y -n comstockpostproc python=3.9 pip
$ conda activate comstockpostproc

# HPC Eagle (NREL Staff)
$ module load conda
$ conda create -y --prefix /projects/cscore/envs/comstockpostproc_<myname> -c conda-forge "python=3.9"
$ conda activate /projects/cscore/envs/comstockpostproc_<myname>

# HPC Kestrel (NREL Staff)
$ module load python
$ python -m venv --clear --upgrade-deps --prompt "comstockpostproc_<myname>" "/kfs2/projects/cscore/envs/comstockpostproc_<myname>"
$ source "/kfs2/projects/cscore/envs/comstockpostproc_<myname>/bin/activate"

Navigate to the /postprocessing directory of this repo:

$ cd /path/to/ComStock/postprocessing

Make sure you are using the latest version of pip:

$ pip install --upgrade pip

Install the libraries needed for this repository:

$ pip install -e .[dev]


Comparing one or more ComStock runs to each other and CBECS

  1. Copy the compare_runs.py.template file to compare_runs.py
  2. Edit compare_runs.py to point to the ComStock runs you want to plot
  3. Open an Anaconda prompt, activate the environment, and run the file:
    $ conda activate comstockpostproc
    $ python compare_runs.py
  4. Look in the /output directory for results

Comparing upgrades in a single ComStock run

  1. Copy the compare_upgrades.py.template file to compare_upgrades.py
  2. Edit compare_upgrades.py to point to the ComStock runs you want to plot
  3. Open an Anaconda prompt, activate the environment, and run the file:
    $ conda activate comstockpostproc
    $ python compare_upgrades.py
  4. Look in the /output directory for results

Comparing a ComStock run to AMI data

  1. Copy the compare_comstock_to_ami.py.template file to compare_comstock_to_ami.py
  2. Edit compare_comstock_to_ami.py to point to the ComStock runs you want to plot. Note that your run should use a buildstock.csv generated from the 10k sample file in /sampling/resources/ami_comparison.csv
  3. Open an Anaconda prompt, activate the environment, and run the file:
    $ conda activate comstockpostproc
    $ python compare_comstock_to_ami.py
  4. Look in the /output directory for results

NREL Staff - Extracting simulations and summarizing EnergyPlus warnings and errors on HPC

  1. First time only: install comstockpostproc to your comstockpostproc_<myname> environment on HPC (see installation instructions above)

  2. Navigate to your ComStock repo checkout:

    $ cd /projects/cscore/repos/comstock_<myname>/postprocessing
  3. Copy the /postprocessing/extract_models_and_errors.py.template file to extract_models_and_errors.py

  4. Edit extract_models_and_errors.py to point to the YML for your ComStock run This script can do four things. Each section has 1-2 lines of code you can comment out to turn off.

    1. Extract and summarize failed runs: This reads the run.log files for all failed models and concatenates the [ERROR] messages into /my_run/results/simulation_output/failure_summary/failure_summary.log. This is a fast way to see if lots of models failed for the same reason.

    2. Extract models: This extracts the .osm, .idf, .html, and run.log for a set of models from the simulations_jobXYZ.tar.gz files so that you can look at them for debugging.

      • Make a file called building_id_list.csv and save to /my_run/building_id_list.csv.
      • Edit building_id_list.csv so that the first row contains the header building_id and each subsequent row contains the ID of a building you want to extract.
      • Optionally, you can list output variables that get added to the extracted IDF files after they are extracted.
    3. Run extracted IDFs with EnergyPlus: This simply runs the extracted IDF files, including any new output variables that were added. This can be helpful for creating timeseries outputs for confirming detailed behavior in a subset of models in a run.

    4. Extract and summarize warnings in eplusout.err files: This reads the eplusout.err files from all the successful models and summarizes the count of each warning to /my_run/simulation_output/eplusout_errors/eplusout_summary.tsv. This helps identify systematic issues with model inputs.

    5. Parse and summarize runs simulations logs for profiling: Function parse_and_generate_profiling reads simulations_jobXYZ.tar.gz files and generate a report under /my_run/results/simulation_output/profiling_summary/aggregate_profiling.csv.

    6. Summarize HPC usage: This extracts the HPC runtime and usage from sampling, simulation, and postprocessing.out files and writes a summary CSV file into /my_run/results/simulation_output/hpc_runtime_summary/hpc_runtime_summary.csv'

  5. Run:

    $ salloc --time=30 --qos=high --account=cscore --nodes=1

    to start an interactive job on a compute node. The postprocessing can take a while to run depending on the number of models; you can increase --time=30 as necessary. Do not run extract_models_and_errors.py on a login node (i.e., without starting an interactive job), you will get an email about inappropriate login node use.

  6. Navigate to your ComStock repo checkout:

    $ cd /projects/cscore/repos/comstock_<myname>/postprocessing
  7. Load Anaconda, activate your environment, and run the file:

    $ module load conda
    $ conda activate /projects/cscore/envs/comstockpostproc_<myname>
    $ python extract_models_and_errors.py
  8. Look in /my_run/results/simulation_output directory for outputs, see /failure_summary, /model_files, and /eplusout_errors depending on what parts of the script you included.