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Customer Story

Quby Implements Highly-Automated Infrastructure to Deploy Smart Apps at Scale

Dutch software developer modernizes data center set up and rolls out a European expansion program
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Cloud, Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Public and Utilities


Quby is a Dutch start-up acquired in 2015 by Eneco, a Dutch energy company active in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, and the United Kingdom. It is best known for its smart thermostat Toon, which puts people in charge of their homes. At Quby, over 100 professionals work together to create smart energy solutions for homes and offices across Europe.

Roll out smart thermostats and connected apps more effectively throughout Europe
Implement an AWS infrastructure with the capability to spin up a back-end system for a new tenant in a couple of weeks
Create a customized infrastructure using AWS CloudFormation, Mesos & Marathon, and Docker

Conquering Europe

To meet the growing demand for its Toon smart thermostat and connected apps throughout Europe, Quby needed to find a faster way to roll out its services. The backend system for Toon was running in an on-premise data center in Amsterdam. Quby needed a more flexible and scalable infrastructure that could easily be activated by its own operations teams. The company approached Xebia to help.

Paradigm Shift

To modernize Quby’s data center setup, Xebia created a custom-made infrastructure using AWS CloudFormation, Mesos & Marathon, and Docker. Other activities included design and migration, as well as training Quby’s operations staff to adapt to the new reality at the company, a paradigm shift for many.

“We learned a lot during this journey and at every stage, we needed to decide on the right technology and process. We’re very pleased that we’ve been able to work with Xebia to guide us along the way.”
Stephen Galsworthy Head of Data Science

Fast Work

Xebia migrated Quby’s complete production environment serving over 300.000 devices to the cloud within two hours after changing the DNS record. Because of the flexible and highly-automated set-up, Quby is now able to add a new tenant within a few days.

By delivering such fast work, Xebia won over the organization quickly. Galsworthy remarked: “You shouldn't underestimate the steps it takes to go from thousands to hundreds of thousands of users.”

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