In the following table you'll find the 1 most important pages of
# | Description | URL of the website |
1. | Tenerife walking map for Sunflower Books | /tenerife.php |
IP address: | |
Number of websites: | 46 - more websites using this IP address |
Best-known websites: | (little known), (little known) |
Language distribution: | 78% of the websites are english |
Webserver software: | Apache |
Load time: | 0.67 seconds (faster than 52 % of all websites) |
HTML version: | HTML 5 |
Filesize: | 18.35 KB (497 recognized words in text) |
Visitor Tracking/analysis: | The website uses Google Analytics to analyze the visitors. |
The website doesn't contain questionable content. It can be used by kids and is safe for work.
Attribute | Classification | |
Google Safebrowsing |
Safe | |
Safe for children |
Safe for work |
Webwiki rating |
No ratings | |
Server location |
Not found | |
Trustworthy 79% |