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Nptadonations.org - Home - NPTA Donations (2.4 of 5 points)

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Reviews and ratings of Nptadonations.org

A total of 14 reviews for Nptadonations.org have been written yet. The most recent reviews are listed below.

2.4 of 5 points

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(1 of 5 points)
wrote 1 year ago
USA, 1 review

collecting money and information. the toll free number is totally disconnected

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(1 of 5 points)
wrote 2 years ago
1 review

DO NOT GET MIXED UP WITH CHARITY. Being a nice person I did make a donation to the Police and Trooper association. It has been a horrible, harassing situation every since. I get 4-5 calls a day, not a week a day asking for more money. I have call centers from all over calling daily and receive letters for more. I have asked nice several times to please stop calling, remove from list, but that only increases the calls. I have always been a supported to our police services, but not now after 2 years of campaign harassment that I have requested many many times to quit calling and they continue to harass. I found a number on the letter I received and did call, but they report they can’t do anything. Well they get calls from me every time I get bored and feel like being an ass. They keep telling me they can’t do anything and stop calling.

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J Rowen
(4 of 5 points)
wrote 5 years ago
USA, Boxford, 1 review

I am a Constable( Law Enforcement) and get these calls all the time. They usually try to get to my wife, who contributed once thinking they were legit. I play along and ask questions to which I get variable answers. The NPTA is not a charitable tax exempt organization. They are an arm of the AFLCIO. The paid fundraisers get a bug chunk of any donations and where the rest of the money goes is somewhat hard to track. The fact they have a D- rating with the BBB tells it all.

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Bill Mc Burney
Bill Mc Burney writes 4 years ago

Ii just gave $25 bucks and wished I would of read this first.
If its true that they just give a tiny portion to there stated sales pitch and keep the bigger percent to them selves then the police departments in all fields should start a truthful fund raising campaign and expose the greed. Ill support closer to home as I have for 40 years.

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Judy writes 4 years ago

thank you for this information. I keep getting these calls and keep telling them I won't do anything online- even during the call they keep trying to put you to pay online- I finally hang up on them. Now I will tell them to go where the sun don't shine! and tell them to take me off their call list.

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Jake Wymer
(1 of 5 points)
wrote 6 years ago
USA, Connersville, 1 review

Just received a call wanting a donation. After research found out this is one of the AFL/CIO subsidiaries. It is NOT a tax deductible charity. Low value for me.
I will give to our local FOP. At least I know where my money will go.

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(5 of 5 points)
wrote 7 years ago
USA, Chicago, 1 review

Just received a call on my cell phone. Never have received charitable calls on my cell. They wanted a commitment for a donation and then sent me to the donation department for my credit card or debit. Red flags went up immediately and I asked for their phone number and website. This is where I found all your comments. Thank you for posting. I will also give locally to our public servants.

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(1 of 5 points)
wrote 7 years ago
USA, Garland, 1 review

Thank you everyone!!!! I was also called and they right away wanted my credit card or debit card number over the phone. I said I will not give my information out to people over the phone. Send me the information for me to review. Later this week I was called by a local police department for the same thing and I said so you want my information now and he said oh no we don't ask for any personal information over the phone. We will send you the packet for you to review. Hmmm that seems to be the proper way of handling it. And they also said it was to help the officers family's in Florida. Then why is the return address in Brookfield, WI. No, I think I to will keep my donations for the local police department. Now I think ill see what BBB has on them.

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j venable
(1 of 5 points)
wrote 7 years ago
USA, Temple Hills, 1 review


Yes, thanks everyone for sharing your information. I gave to them before but became suspicious this year because they called so many times, even after i committed to make a donation. They will not be receiving anymore funds from me either. I also will give locally.

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Kerry Adams
(5 of 5 points)
wrote 7 years ago
United Kingdom, Redcar, 1 review

Great website! I just hope they should stop asking us weekly for a donation.

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Bobbo the Great
(5 of 5 points)
wrote 7 years ago
USA, Glenham, 1 review

I heard the smeal about helping police and troopers and did some research and found that the money goes to the smeal not the troopers or police. I pledged 50.00 but I only wrote a note after my research said they are not true to their word 100%. I donated a stamp to get my message across which is about what they give to the bravest.

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(1 of 5 points)
wrote 7 years ago
USA, Columbia, 1 review

I got the same call. I agreed to $15. As I was being transferred, I looked up this organization and it was poorly rated. So I specifically asked how much was going to the organization. Only 10%. I told them "absolutely not!" and hung up.

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Linda Lower
Linda Lower writes 6 years ago

This is the kind of information I was looking for --they will not be getting anything more from me either. I will return with a note to this effect and asking them to remove me from their call list-- or the attorney general will be notified. I prefer to give locally anyway

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Bonifacio writes 4 years ago

Hi! I can help you to trace them. I know the exact place here in my country

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(1 of 5 points)
wrote 7 years ago
USA, Fremont, 1 review

Got the call and was asked donate. I've donated to police groups before so agreed to a $25 donation. I was quickly transferred to a "supervisor" to "assure" the pledge amount. I was almost immediately asked "Would you prefer debit or credit to complete the donation?" I expressed that I do not ever give out that info over the phone to strangers. I requested the invoice be mailed, and I let her know I also wanted to check up on the organization. That mail arrived and it's got more red flags than Red Square during the Stalin years. Not tax deductible. No option of debit or card, just a check. The "supervisor" had stated they want a money order, among the other red flags during the cold call conversation. Lots of small print on the back, in a hard to read light blue color and small font., mostly concerning various states and the laws pertaining to such solicitations.Listed among the bullet points of their programs are "To pay the costs of the fund drive" and "General Welfare of the organization". Oddly, given that this is a police fund, "Financial contributions to organizations for physically challenged individuals". How mush do we want to bet that the organization for "physically challenged individuals" is another scam organization?No pre-stamped envelop, I need to pay for the stamp. And the company collecting the donations is a for-profit company who then remits the funds to NTPA...

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Rene writes 7 years ago

Eric, you confirmed what we thought. We also told them we wanted to check them out prior to them receiving any funds. if it was not how they presented we would not be sending any money. We are getting more and more requests for the money we pledged. We told them we were not pledging anything until we again checked them out. They just are not getting it.

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Bob writes 7 years ago

I also committed to a $25 donation after to the "checker", who did not ask for debit or credit card information. I told them to send their packet and I would review - which I am doing right now and, thanks to you and the other website with similar information, not to their satisfaction

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Jill writes 7 years ago

Thanks for your reviews. My first hint was that the check was be to be sent to Wisconsin for the Florida police and troopers association. I'll donate to the troopers themselves.

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Geri Clark.
(5 of 5 points)
wrote 8 years ago
1 review

ok all you people answered my questions. I'll save my donation for our local police dept. thank you very much.

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brigid writes 7 years ago

so why did you give it 5 stars ? did you want to give this organization a 5 star rating?

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(1 of 5 points)
wrote 8 years ago
USA, Vassar, 1 review

I received a phone call asking to donate to National Police & Troopers Ass. When Ireceived my envelope I had a sense something maybe fishy.I looked them up on the computer. Does'nt look like too much goes to the police or troopers. Sorry guys.

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Pat Washburn
Pat Washburn writes 8 years ago

Felt the same way. Donated my "pledge" to the local police who are getting funds for vests for the K-9 unit.

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(1 of 5 points)
wrote 8 years ago
USA, Chapel Hill, 1 review

The National Troopers and Police Association is calling my house on an average of 2-3 times a week. Even so I have asked politely numerous times for them to stop calling they keep on calling. Now I just hang up but this does not help my thinking about police and troppers as a whole.
STOP CALLING and honor me asking YOU not to do so.

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Lilli Car
Lilli Car writes 8 years ago

I fell victim to agreeing to pledge money to the National Troopers and Police Association. My request was that they send envelope and I would return a check. Before their envelope arrived, I researched this "Association" and found out that only 0.5% of donated money goes to the stated purpose of helping police in any way ... and the Association collect 8.1 MILLION dollars per year. Be aware that this is the nature of this organization. It isn't listed on Charity Navigator at all.

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Paula writes 6 years ago

I did the same thing. I do not plan to honor my pledge as it was made on the condition that I research the organization before sending money. My cell blocks unwanted phone calls so I hope they do not harass me. I am on the NO CALL lists but seem to average 3 unwanted calls a day.
BBB gives it a C- rating. I think that must be too high.

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Content and keywords

Important and popular websites

The website with the homepage "Npta Donations" provides content on the pages About Us, Reasons To Support and Donations. In the following table you'll find the 6 most important pages of Nptadonations.org:

# Description URL of the website
1. NPTA Dona­tions https://nptadona­tions.org
2. ABOUT US /#002
4. Dona­tions /#004
5. CON­TACT US /#005
6. emailpro­tected /cdn-cgi/l/email-pro­tection#472e323726072e32372669283520

Popular topics for Nptadonations.org

police and troopers association npta scam national police trooper association scam national police and troopers association scam national police and troopers association national police and trooper association scam national police and trooper association bogus national police and trooper association florida police and troopers association scam

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