The websites creator or author is Conception & Webmastering - Luc-Henri Fage.
A Apache server hosts the websites of The website uses the latest markup standard HTML 5. The website does not specify details about the inclusion of its content in search engines. For this reason the content will be included by search engines.
IP address: | |
Server provider: | Register S.p.A. |
Number of websites: | 7 - more websites using this IP address |
Best-known websites: | (little known) |
Language distribution: | 71% of the websites are french, 14% of the websites are english |
Webserver software: | Apache |
Generator: | 2018.1.1.386 |
Load time: | 0.19 seconds (faster than 91 % of all websites) |
HTML version: | HTML 5 |
Filesize: | 25.41 KB (231 recognized words in text) |
The website doesn't contain questionable content. It can be used by kids and is safe for work.
Attribute | Classification | |
Google Safebrowsing |
Safe | |
Safe for children |
Safe for work |
Webwiki rating |
No ratings | |
Server location |
Italy | |
Trustworthy 85% |