From the course: Hiring and Supporting Neurodiversity in the Workplace

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- Hey, everybody, this is Dr. Tiffany. I wanted to take a moment to thank you all for watching this course and trying to make the world more neuro-inclusive. I also wanted to thank LinkedIn for letting me rewrite this course that was written in 2020 to bring all the new insights we've all learned into the course. But more importantly, I want to thank the community for putting your revisions into this course. There was a lot of opportunity out there. People took advantage of it to tell me things they felt that need to be shared and updated, and I feel we did a really good job in this script, putting it all together. So it is with the sincerest honor that I wrote this course, and I just would love to talk to everybody. So please connect with me on LinkedIn or at Tiffany at Thanks again for watching this. Take care.
