From the course: Cisco Network Security: Secure Access

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Enforcing security with AAA

Enforcing security with AAA

- [Instructor] Dealing with AAA Security can be challenging. In this segment, we'll learn how the Cisco Identity Service Engine provides support for RADIUS and TACACS+ to seamlessly implement AAA security. Because of the complexity of securing the network using AAA security, many vendors help streamline the process by offering an all-in-one solution. Cisco's Identity Service Engine helps manage AAA security by providing centralized control over network access and enforcing security policies. I'm here at this site where you can learn more about ICE. ICE works with multiple types of users and devices that want to join the network, including LAN and IoT devices, along with wireless and VPN users. Once users and devices have gained access and authenticated into the network, ICE monitors and logs all activities. Cisco's ICE helps manage AAA security using RADIUS and TACACS+ protocols by acting as a central policy decision point for network access. The protocols work in the following…
