From the course: Advanced Python Projects: Build AI Applications
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Solution: Complete the backend code for file upload - Python Tutorial
From the course: Advanced Python Projects: Build AI Applications
Solution: Complete the backend code for file upload
(upbeat electronic music) - [Instructor] Welcome back. I hope you took some time to complete the challenge. Now let's take a look at the solution together. We start by importing several libraries which help our app handle file uploads, connect to databases, and interact with cloud storage. FastAPI is the framework we're using to create our API. The UploadFile library handles file uploads in FastAPI. HTTPException allows us to handle exceptions in a way that returns proper HTTP responses. JSONResponse helps us send JSON responses to the client. OS is for interacting with operating system, datetime for timestamping events. Boto3 is the AWS SDK for Python, which allows us to interact with AWS services. AWS Wrangler is a utility that simplifies working with AWS services such as S3. And then we're importing MongoClient from PyMongo, which is used to connect to a MongoDB database. PyMongo provides tools for working with MongoDB. Next, let's set up our FastAPI and initialize a session with…
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Setting up MongoDB4m 24s
Generate chat responses using GPT-3.5 and Langchain2m 46s
Load conversation history for a given session ID1m 16s
Create new sessions and add chat history to existing sessions1m 11s
Setup FastAPI app, CORS, S3 session, and obtain a chat response3m 43s
Upload files to Amazon S3 storage bucket2m 39s
Deploy and run the chatbot4m 2s
Challenge: Complete the backend code for file upload2m 13s
Solution: Complete the backend code for file upload9m 52s