From the course: Oracle Java Foundations

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Title and objectives

Title and objectives - Java Tutorial

From the course: Oracle Java Foundations

Title and objectives

(light music) - [Joe] Java Basics, Handling Text and Numbers. In this module, we'll get started programming in Java and to do that we're going to get started working with variables and data types of those variables. So we'll start by talking about the purpose of a variable in the Java language, which is to hold values. Secondly, we'll list and describe four of the common data types that we use with variables and we'll see how to declare and initialize strings. Strings allow to hold characters and arrays of characters and work with strings, a very common thing in our programs. We'll see how to concatenate string variables, combine multiple string variables to create larger string variables using the plus operator and we'll see how to make variable assignments, assigning values to variables, creating expressions and assigning variables to other variables. We'll see how to declare an initialize int and double variables. Int stands for integer. We'll see how to modify variable values…
