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  上海交通大学上海高级金融学院是上海市为实现将上海建设成为国际金融中心的国家战略、满足上海乃至全国金融业发展并与国际接轨的迫切需要,依托上海交通大学而创建的一所按照国际一流商学院模式办学的金融学院,英文名称为Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance (SAIF)。学院以汇聚国际一流师资、培养高端金融人才、构筑开放平台、形成顶尖智库作为自己的必达使命。学院现开设金融MBA(工商管理硕士)、金融EMBA(高级管理人员工商管理硕士)、金融硕士、金融学博士、EDP(高端培训)等项目,并将开设DBA (工商管理博士)等项目。学院不仅训练掌握现代金融理论和技术、通晓中国和国际金融业运作管理的复合型人才,也着重培养具有国际视野、卓越才能和创新能力的商界领袖。学院强调专业视角,聘请国际名校一流师资讲授与国际名校接轨的现代金融课程,理论与实践并重,本土与国际交融。多媒体信息化实验室实时接收纽约交易所、伦敦交易所、芝加哥交易所和上海证交所等全球主要金融市场的交易数据供学生实盘演练。学院立志于打造国内领先、国际知名的高端专业品牌,为学员进入国内外知名金融机构铺设展现宏图大略的成功之路。金融学院实行理事会领导下的院长负责制,依靠上海市和百年名校上海交通大学的强有力支持,按国际一流商学院的模式开展办学,力求在高端金融人才培养和高层次科学研究等方面都跻身国际一流金融学院行列。

  ABOUT SAIF Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance (SAIF) was established at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in April 2009, with strategic and financial support from the Shanghai Municipal Government. Its mission is to become a world class institute of research and higher learning. SAIF is committed to developing top talents for the financial world and to generating cutting-edge knowledge in the theories of finance and their applications. As a member of Shanghai’s financial community, it strives to contribute to the development of Shanghai as a global financial center. OUR PROGRAMS As of 2010, we have already launched five programs: ● Finance MBA ● Finance EMBA ● Master in Finance ● Masters of Finance ● PhD in Finance ● Executive Development Program (EDP) OUR FACULTY SAIF boasts an internationally renowned faculty, with impressive teaching and research experience from leading universities and research institutions around the world, including MIT, Columbia, Princeton, UC-Berkeley, Michigan, etc. Our dedicated faculty members bring the most advanced and cutting-edge financial knowledge to SAIF, and put the students on the same page with their peers in other leading business schools in the world. OUR FACILITIES SAIF has state-of-the-art campus facilities to rival those at other leading business schools around the world, including classrooms with multi-media equipment, a modern trading lab, a large auditorium, complete wireless internet coverage, and spacious hallways for people to congregate. For more information, please visit: www.saif.sjtu.edu.cn/en

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